Name: Piezoelectric Blast
Description: Tifa Strikes the metal eyelets on the back of her left wrist with the palm of her right hand. This causes the Moganite crystals to produce a high voltage piezoelectric spark. This spark then grows rapidly into a lightning bolt as Tifa cultivates it between both of her hands. As she slowly spreads her hands wider, the bolts circulate into a globe of lightning energy where Tifa then releases the spell attack on her chosen target with a loud crackling noise
Cost: 10MP
Class: Offensive
Element: Thunder
Range: Long
Duration: 1 post
Effect: Weak lightning-elemental attack
Mage?: No
World: Midgar
History: When Zangan gave Tifa her Moganite Gloves he demonstrated the different nature of the fabric by striking one against the other to produce a spark. As she continued with her recovery, Zangan taught her how to ‘grow’ that spark into a ball of lightning that could then be used as a projectile. Tifa perfected this technique gradually on her own through experience.