Name: Dark sphere
Description: The first thing that must be done to cast the spell, its to point the enemy with a gun or a similar weapon. Then, concentrate a bit of the dark power that every sould have on its heart, and shape it on the form of a sphere. Then, the dark sphere appears on the barrel of the gun. To shoot the dark sphere, one must pull the trigger and the dark sphere will atomatically go into the direction that the gun was pointing on. It can't be casted by any other way than that. The dark sphere can also stay on the gun without disappearing, but the next time that the user launchs an attack with the gun, the dark sphere will come out. If someone cast it, that someone cannot shoot anymore without launching the dark sphere first.
Cost: 10 (the sphere is not too big)
Class: Offensive
Element: Dark
Range: Long Range
Duration: 1 post.
Effect: The dark sphere damages the enemy with the element of dark, sometimes (But SOMETIMES) can inflict the blind effect to the enemy, but that should only last a little. The dark sphere doesn't do anything more than that. (x2 damage to enemies that are vulnerable to dark element, and 0,5 to enemies that can resist such element)
Mage?: NO!!!
World: The World Of Balance.
History: It was on his last adventure on the Wonderland. When he was left fighing one of the parts of the creature Chaos, and after summoning the creature Titan to beat it, he decided to rest a little from the battle in a little cave that he made on the battle. It was cold and without many light, but it was the best thing that he could find. Suddenly, he felt asleep. When he awoke, he saw some kind of little rats transporting something to their cave, and Kaze noticed that it was a fragment of Chaos, that should have been ejected from him when his other part died on the fight with Kaze. The Black Wind took the Chaos part, and put it on his backpack. When he was getting out of the cave, the dark piece of creature started shinning, and when Kaze pulled it out, it fused with him, increasing his dark power. From there on he mastered the dark sphere, because with his normal dark powers he couldn't do it.