:Co-Adminism & Moderation Rules And Rights:
-You are the SECOND executive branch of the site under the Head Admins. You answer to them and them only. You are also what we like to call, a "supervisor" persay, of the Moderators. They answer to you, and you relay back to us. A Co-Admin has every right and privilege on the site as The Site Owner and Other Admins, except, they do not have access to the Administration Panel. They can still ban users, lock topics, move topics, among many other things. These people are to be respected just like a regular Admin.
-Co-Admins may not abuse their power. If a user needs to be banned, then make sure you run it by MorpheusZero first. If myself or Kuja is not online, and the extent of the misbehavior is bad enough, then you can take it upon yourself to ban the user for 48 hours until one of us shows up to find an official ruling.
-You may not BOSS around the Moderators, more or less, you should HELP them. But sometimes, people need a kick in the ass. Just try not to be rude and mean for no reason. Show respect, for you are also receiving it.
-You do not have the right to change the rules. NOR do you have the right to be exempt from them, you are only exempt from rules as willed by the Site Admins.
Super Moderators
-You are the THIRD executive branch of the site UNDER the Co-Admins. Your job is to keep an eye on the approval sections, because I am only one person, and I need help. You are to APPROVE creations, enforce rules and site policies where applicable, and make sure everyone is happy and content with their site experience. You should always report to a Co-Admin first unless it is a DIRE IMPORTANT URGENT MESSAGE! The Co-Admin will let me know if something is up.
-Moderators may not abuse their power. If a user needs to be banned,
then make sure you run it by MorpheusZero or Kuja first. You MAY NOT BAN A USER FOR NO REASON. If Someone needs to be banned and Morpheus is not readily available, then talk to a Co-Admin.
-You are the FOURTH executive branch of the site UNDER the Super Moderators. Your job is to keep an eye on the approval sections, because I am only one person, and I need help. You are to APPROVE creations, enforce rules and site policies where applicable, and make sure everyone is happy and content with their site experience. You should always report to a Super Moderator first unless it is a DIRE IMPORTANT URGENT MESSAGE! The Super Moderator will let me know if something is up. Your Main job is to approve things in the creation section; however, you are allowed some authority if needed to enforce a rule.
-Moderators may not abuse their power. If a user needs to be banned,
then make sure you run it by MorpheusZero or Kuja first. You MAY NOT BAN A USER FOR NO REASON. If Someone needs to be banned and Morpheus is not readily available, then talk to a Co-Admin.
-You should never ASSUME, always be sure of things before APPROVING them.
-Always respect our user base, and be friendly, unless a user is totally stepping out of line. In which you have my permission to go all out.